Welcome, Earthlings!
As the old adage goes, “Too much to post to social media, too little time. “ Creatively speaking, there is always more going on in my household than I get around to posting. So I’m starting this blog to give my fanbase (you three people know who you are! :) more content to peruse. Here are a few things you can expect to see and read about in the coming days. . .
A NEW BOOK! I recently wrote the story for a new picture book and am just beginning the illustration process. I plan to blog about the steps of my creative process from thumbnail to published book. Stay tuned.
MORE JIGSAW PUZZLES! We are waiting on some warehouse logistics to fall into place before Chris and I order more “Umbrellas” puzzles and at least one new image option (hopefully 2).
MY EXPLODING GARDENS! Chris and I have a two large vegetable gardens, two herb gardens, and lots of flowers here and there. Keeping up with it all takes a lot of my time. Right now I’m making pizza sauce everyday from the gazillions of tomatoes that our garden is producing.
OUR LIVESTOCK! I mean, with a last name of Farmer how can we not have a few animals? We most recently added 3 bunnies to our menagerie and I’ll be sharing how Chris and I built a hutch for them.
RANDOM ART! I’m constantly working on projects that I rarely get around to posting about. I’ll try to include more of that here.
DEEP THOUGHTS! I usually keep my social media posts limited to the realm of illustration projects. However, I can be rather opinionated about certain things. Some of my favorite topics are: theology (what the Bible has to say about any subject, but especially what theology has to do with art), current events (especially in light of God’s Providence and Sovereignty), martial arts (particularly from the angle of self-protection), books I’m reading (I’m usually working my way through a bunch at the same time), and where the best thrift stores are located.
Here’s my thought for you, on this day of my blog’s birth: I saw this toaster at Hobby Lobby last week and realized that I’ll know I’ve made it as an artist when a person can make toast with my face on it.
Intrigued? Please subscribe and I’ll see you soon!